Dodgers Nets 2006

The nets have been booked for the coming season. The dates are:

Tuesday 14 March @ 6pm [1 net]
Tuesday 28 March @ 6pm [1 net]
Tuesday 11 April @ 6pm [1 net]
Tuesday 25 April @ 6pm [2 nets]

To take place at the Ken Barrington Cricket Centre, The Oval.

As agreed at the AGM, spaces at nets will be offered on a first come first served, prepay basis at the rate of 5.00 GBP per person per net. Please initially let John Cooper know the sessions that you are interested in. You will then receive an email confirming your booking and the total owed. Don't send any money at this stage.

At this time I also welcome payment of your 2006 membership at 10.00 GBP per person at this time. I attach a membership form which should be completed and returned to me with your cheque made payable to Dodgers Cricket Club. Please note that you will need to pay your subs in order to take part in the nets.

Happy New Year!


cerysmatic said…
There is just one space left and that's on the last session 25 April. We are still taking names for the reserve list on all other dates.